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Crushed and Bruised knee ligaments healed.

On 19th of March, 2022, I was walking up Mt Oxford when I faceplanted on the track so hard that I thought that for sure I’d broken something. I was happy to find that I hadn’t broken anything, but I had injured my knee. I was limping for about a month afterwards, so I saw a chiropractor, a massage therapist, and I ended up with a physio. And she said “yes, you’ve crushed or bruised the ligament and it’s going to take a while to fix that. You’ll have to do some exercises every day”.

Two weeks after that I walked into church, and I was feeling really discouraged. I felt like it was the last straw. I felt like there had been one thing after another and I thought, why this Lord? Isn’t it my turn to get a healing, how about me? I was sitting there in the front row and Greg mentioned his friend Mike who was coming to church the next Sunday, who had been healed instantly of a serious knee injury. And I thought, that’s me. That’s for me. Straight after church I went up to the front for healing, and Iain put his hand on my knee. It’s the side of my knee, and it’s quite inflamed. It got quite hot and I thought ‘woah’. Afterwards I stood up and walked around, and I couldn’t feel a thing. I couldn’t feel any pain. And I walked with no problem the week later. I went to the physio, and she couldn’t make it hurt. I went to the swimming pool and did the stroke that I couldn’t do. It was breaststroke. I couldn’t do it at all with my injury. But this time there was no problem or pain. Yesterday I walked 12,000 steps, I don’t know how many kms that is, with absolutely no twinge. It was a total, total healing. I’m just so grateful.

The funny thing is that people react to it. I told my physio and she smiled and said, “hmm, that’s interesting”. She still wanted to put the strap on! Then I went to my chiropractor and he said, “hmm, how come He didn’t heal your shoulder?”. So I replied, “ahh well I’m actually talking to Him about that John, I’m having a conversation with Him about the shoulder”. God wants to use it. But me, I just feel like it’s really personal and I’m just thrilled.


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