About us
We believe this generation lives in the most exciting times of both world and church history. Our vision is to see everyone’s personal history become His story - a living testimony of His transforming power, love and grace. As sons and daughters, God takes great pleasure in bestowing upon us His kingdom. We covet His presence in our worship and everyday lives.
Oxford Baptist was planted 150 years ago, and is proof that committed fellowship builds strong sons and daughters. Together we can have a greater impact.
Our pursuit is for every man, woman and child be found by Jesus, to continue seeking and loving Him, to know his call in our new identity, that we become ‘His-Story’ makers in every sphere of life and community.
He is risen, He is awesome; may all the world know Him.
Luke 12:32, ”Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”
our pastors:

Greg and Joy Morris
Senior Pastors

Iain and Beth Froud
Associate Pastors
our elders:

Wes Cederman

Brendon Townsend